Questions to consider 🤔
- How will the seed library be tied into educational programs?
- What programs might be interested in participating in the seed library?
- Does your school have a student farm that could grow some of the seeds?
- What breeding or climate adaption projects might you develop?
- If the program is started by a group of students, how will this be structured to ensure that it survives past graduation?
A growing number of universities and community colleges host seed libraries. Many are affiliated with horticulture or sustainability programs.
Additionally, many programs from degrees in food systems, sustainability to Masters in Library Sciences discuss seed libraries as part of their course work. A growing number of academic papers and books are discussing seed libraries and their impacts. Explore the Seed Library Map to discover other seed libraries at institutions. Here are a few websites from university seed libraries: - USF Seed Library - San Francisco, CA, USA - Eckerd College Seed Library - Saint Petersburg, FL, USA - Yorba Linda California State University - CA, USA - This is a project proposal/overview. - Biblioteca de Semillas de la Escuela Politécnica Superior (EPS) - Zaragoza, España - Grainothèque, Bibliothèque Universitaire d'Evry, Paris, France |
If your university or college has a robust seed library, we'd love to talk with you to see what resources you have that could be shared to support other campus seed libraries. Email us [email protected].
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